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Artikler og guides

  • Two types of ear points

    Two types of ear points

    In all my teaching seminars I emphasise on the evidence that the points found on the ear are not all the same. We shall make the difference between two types...

  • The body and the spirit

    The body and the spirit

    Since a certain time, in my teaching, I put an emphasis on the importance of the choice of terms used to express the thought construction. Words allow us to develop...

  • Auriculotherapy teaching in France

    Auriculotherapy teaching in France

    The technique of auriculotherapy is taught in France since 30 years. Today, we can see three types of formation in this healing method.Læs mere her.

  • Music and medicine

    Music and medicine

    The 19th of November Chantal Vulliez and Sophie Mougenot, as representatives of «Homéopathie sans Frontières» (Homöopathy with no Frontiers), invited to a musical evening under the slogan “Music and Health”...

  • Auriculomedicine for english speaking students

    Auriculomedicine for english speaking students

    The method of auriculotherapy, which was discovered in Lyon (France), shows today a world wide development and we can see a constantly growing demand for teaching of this technique based...

  • Functional diseases, organ diseases

    Functional diseases, organ diseases

    It is quite difficult for a neophyte to understand the difference between the functional and organ disease. Yet it is primordial. One speaks of an organ disease when an organ...

  • Symposium of auriculotherapy

    Symposium of auriculotherapy

    Next year we will have in Lyon the VIIth International Symposium of Auriculotherapy under the presidency of professor Pierre Rabischong. For this event we have chosen the beautiful and calm...

  • Auriculotherapy: the different kinds of points on the ear

    Auriculotherapy: the different kinds of points on the ear

    One cannot apply auriculotherapy successfully, if one does not understand the implicated mechanisms. Today we note a «misunderstanding» regarding the ear points. Many books, publications let us suppose that all...

  • Introduction to dr. Raphael nogier

    Introduction to dr. Raphael nogier

    “Auriculotherapy and auriculomedicine has become very popular in Scandinavia. These two medical methods based on a neurophysiological system are able to help people suffering with pain and functional diseases. Paul...

  • Treatment of Asthma

    Treatment of Asthma

    Treatment of asthma is fantastic to compinat vestern and eastern medicin. This treatment is only a sugestion. All patients should go to a medical doktor before You start treatment, the...

  • High bloodpressure

    High bloodpressure

    The Sandrini System High bloodpressure A new system has seen the light in TCM. It is 7 years old, so it is still on the elementary stadium. We have most...