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Artikler og guides

  • Hysteria


    Some persons show a certain necessity to seduce, to show themselves, to speak loud, to dramatize, to theatralize, to impress the public, to dominate but also to punish by imposing...

  • Decency


    The « Robert » dictionary defines decency as a feeling of discomfort experienced by a tactful person towards a situation, which is in conflict with his or her understanding of...

  • The L frequency

    The L frequency

    On the 7th and the 8th of May, I will speak about the L frequency, which I started to mention in 2007 at the occasion of the “cours supérieur” (advanced...

  • Cutaneous photoperception

    Cutaneous photoperception

    Recently, one of my patients asked me: „What is the cutaneous photoperception? This word is a neologism, I suggested in the year 1984, after the various experiments done together with...

  • Cauterisation in auriculotherapy

    Cauterisation in auriculotherapy

    The cauterisation is an often practised application in auriculotherapy for the treatment of resistant pain. Contrary to the common conception, this method does not belong to the therapeutical „arsenal“ of...

  • The prelobular sillon

    The prelobular sillon

    The study of the ear morphology is a real source of information about our patients. The form, the texture of the ear give us sometimes elements of information in order...

  • Overweight, obesity and auriculotherapy

    Overweight, obesity and auriculotherapy

    Last week I had the occasion to present auriculotherapy in several conferences or interviews. A very often asked question is about the overweight. Can we treat obesity using auriculotherapy?Læs mere...

  • From drugs towards life

    From drugs towards life

    This letter dedicated to the month of December and January shall not treat the subject of Auriculotherapy. It shall just be a letter of hope in respect of the circumstances...

  • The concha – or the gift of nature

    The concha – or the gift of nature

    When I give a seminar on auriculotherapy, I always give big importance to the innervation of the ear. In fact, the innervation of the ear explains why the auriculotherapy is...

  • Dental focus

    Dental focus

    Dental focus is a dental pathology, which can be painful or not, visible or not, in the resent or in the past and which create at distance other pathologies, which...

  • Tinnitus and its treatment in auriculotherapy

    Tinnitus and its treatment in auriculotherapy

    Until now no founded statistics were published on tinnitus treatment using auriculotherapy. Nevertheless, based on our daily practise we know that needles placed on the ear work for treatment of...