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Nightmares (Oppressive Ghost Dreams, Meng Yan)

Nightmares (Oppressive Ghost Dreams, Meng Yan)

Oppressive Ghost Dreams is Nigel Wiseman's translation of the Chines meng yan. More succinct and
everyday English translation would be nightmares..
Nightmares occur in REM sleep and, in contrast to night terrors, the patient recalls disturbing dream
content. Although nightmares typically cause awakening, in contrast to night terrors, they are seldom
associated with increased heart rate or rapid breathing ad are generally experienced as less disturbing
than sleep terrors.
TCM Etiology and Pathogenesis:
“In Chinese disease causes and mechanisms of nightmares are very similar to those of profuse dreams.
Either the heart spirit is disquieted because of insufficient construction and nourishment or is harassed
by evil qi, namely heat and/or phlegm. Insufficient nourishment of the heart may be due to visceral
vacuity not engendering and transforming the qi and blood. The various visceral vacuities associated
with nightmares include heart-liver blood vacuity and heart-gallbladder qi vacuity. Blood stasis may
also result in blood vacuity since static blood hinders or impedes the engenderment of new or fresh
TCM Pattern Differentiation:
Liver-Gallbladder Depressive Heat Pattern1
Nightmares, irritability, bitter taste on arising, chest/breast/rib-side/ abdominal distention & pain,
menstrual irregularity, PMS, or dysmenorrhea, possible headaches, red eyes, dry mouth/throat
Tongue: red tongue, dry and/or yellow coat
Pulse: bowstring, rapid
Treatment Principles: Course the liver & rectify the qi, clear heat, quiet the spirit
Acupuncture Treatment: LR-3, SP-10, LI-4, HT-7, PC-6, ST-36, BL-15, BL-17. even technique.
Herbal Treatment:
Simple Liver-Gallbladder Excess: Long Dan Xie Gan Tan Jia Jian1
[Long Dan Cao (6g.), Huang Qin (10g.), Zhi Zi (6-10g.), Chai Hu (6-10g.), Bai Shao (10-12g.), Dang Gui
(10g.), Zhen Zhu Mu (12g.), Hu Po (1g.), Gan Cao (3-6g.)]
Liver depression-> heat w/ spleen vacuity: Dan Zhi Xiao Yao San Jia Jian1
[Chai Hu (6-10g.), Dang Gui (10g.), Bai Shao (10-12g.), Bai Zhu (10g.), Fu Shen (12g.), Zhi Zi (6-10g.), Gan
Cao (6g.), Da Zao (3-5 pcs.), Mu Li (12g.), Hu Po (1g.)]
Ascendant Liver Yang Hyperactivity Pattern1
Nightmares, insomnia, dizziness & vertigo, tinnitus, headache, red eyes, distended/heavy head w/
simultaneous feeling of weakness or lack of grounding in the lower limbs, irritability, irascibility
Tongue: red tongue, dry and/or yellow coat
Pulse: fine, bowstring, rapid
Treatment Principles: Drain the liver, subdue yang, quiet the spirit
Herbal Treatment: Tian Ma Gou Teng Yin He Suan Zao Ren Tang Jia Jian1
[Tian Ma (10g.), Gou Teng (10g.), Shi Jue Ming (15g.), Zhi Zi (6-10g.), Huang Qin (6-10g.), Niu Xi (10g.), Du
Zhong (10g.), Sang Ji Sheng (12g.), Ye Jiao Teng (12-15g.), Fu Shen (12g.), Suan Zao Ren (12g.), Chuan
Xiong (6-15g.)]
Phlegm Fire Harassing Above Pattern1
Nightmares, insomnia, irritability, vexation & agitation, palpitations, profuse phlegm, chest/abdominal
oppression & fullness, possible nausea & vomiting
Tongue: red tongue, thick, slimy, yellow coat
Pulse: slippery, bowstring, rapid
Treatment Principles: Clear heat & transform phlegm, open the orifices, quiet the spirit
Herbal Treatment:
With Constipation: Meng Shi Gun Tan Wan1
[Da Huang (3-6g.), Huang Qin (10g.), Huang Lia (3-6g.), Meng Shi (3g.), Chen Xiang (1g.), Ban Xia (10g.),
Shi Chang Pu (6g.)]
No Constipation: Huang Lian Wen Dan Tang Jia Wei1
[Huang Lian (3-6g.), Huang Qin (10g.), Ban Xia (10g.), Zhu Ru (6g.), Zhi Shi (6g.), Chen Pi (6-10g.), Fu Shen
(12g.), Dan Nan Xing (3-6g.), Gan Cao (3-6g.), Da Zao (3-5pcs.)]
Heart-Liver Blood Vacuity Pattern1
Frequent nightmares occurring soon after falling asleep, palpitations, tinnitus, impaired memory, pale
white facial complexion, pale lips & nails, blurred vision, night blindness, brittle nails, possible
numbness of the extremities, scanty/delayed/blocked menstruation
Tongue: pale tongue; white possibly dry coat
Pulse: fine, weak, possibly bowstring
Treatment Principles: Supplement the heart & nourish the liver, supplement the blood, quiet the
Acupuncture Treatment: HT-7, SP-5, BL-15, BL-17, BL-18. Tonifying technique.
Herbal Treatment: Zhen Zhu Mu Wan Jia Jian1
[Zhen Zhu Mu (15g.), Dang Gui (10g.), Suan Zao Ren (12-15g.), Bai Zi Ren (12-15g.), Shu Di (12g.), Fu Shen
(12g.), Ye Jiao Teng (12-15g.), Chen Xiang (1g.), Hu Po (1g.), Long Chi (15g.)]
Heart-Gallbladder Qi Vacuity Pattern1
Nightmares, waking from sleep with a fright, profuse dreams, insomnia, susceptibility to fright, timidity,
paranoia, palpitations, chest oppression, possible profuse phlegm or plum pit qi
Tongue: slightly dark tongue; white possibly slimy coat
Pulse: fine, bowstring, possibly slippery
Treatment Principles: Supplement the heart & gallbladder, boost the qi, quiet the spirit
Acupuncture Treatment: HT-7, GB-44, SP-5, BL-15, BL-18. Even technique.
Herbal Treatment: Da Ding Xin Tang Jia Jian1
[Ren Shen (5g.), Fu Ling (10g.), Fu Shen (10-12g.), Yuan Zhi (6-10g.), Long Gu (15g.), Rou Gui (3g.), Gan
Jiang (3g.), Dang Gui (10g.), Bai Zhu (10g.), Bai Shao (10-12g.), Hu Po (1g.), Suan Zao Ren (12-15g.), Ye Jiao
Teng (15g.)]
Blood Stasis Obstructing Internally Pattern1
Frequent nightmares, piercing lancinating headache which is fixed in location, purplish-green lips &
nails, dusky complexion, palpitations, chest/abdominal pain, all symptom worse in evening, possible
menstrual pain
Tongue: dark purplish tongue; static spots or macules
Pulse: fine, bowstring, possibly choppy
Treatment Principles: Quicken the blood & transform stasis, open the orifices, quiet the spirit
Acupuncture Treatment: GV-14, GV-20, GV-24, SP-10, LI-4, SP-6, SP-1(bleed). Draining technique.
Herbal Treatment: Tong Qiao Huo Xue Tang1
[Chi Shao (10g.), Chuan Xiong (10-15g.), Tao Ren (10g.), Hong Hua (10g.), Di Long (6g.), Shi Chang Pu
(6g.), Yu Jin (10g.), Dang Gui (10g.)]
A very disturbing dream that typically wake the frightened patient.
Nightmares are common in both children and adults. Toddlers are unable to discern reality from
fantasy so scary television shows, movies, or books can easily cause fears that will re-emerge in
dreams. In older children and adults, the occasional nightmare usually corresponds to being overtired;
alcoholism (adults); and/or conflicts, fears or emotional upsets in the patient's own life.
Somatic Therapies:
• qigong
• tai qi chuan
therapeutic foods:
• increase foods that calm the Shen (Spirit), tonify the Heart, harmonize the Stomach and Spleen
specific remedies:
• avoid sugar or sweets after dinner (Shefi)
• meat, alcohol, hot sauces, spicy foods, fried foods, fatty foods, rich foods, salty foods, coffee, caffeine,
sweet foods and sugar, processed foods
• refined carbohydrate, food allergens
• Anemone pulsatilla (toxic): disturbed by unpleasant dreams, wakes sad, languid (Harper-Shove, p.157)
• Artemisia vulgaris (mugwort): under pillow (folklore)
• Hyoscyamus niger (toxic): relieves dreaming during sleep, night terrors, fright (Felter and Lloyd, p.
1036; Harper-Shove, p. 157)
• Humulus lupulus: use as a small stuffed pillow (folklore)
• Lavandula vera: under pillow; calming (folklore)
• Passiflora incarnata: sedative, produces peaceful, restful sleep (Felter and Lloyd, p.1440)
• Paeonia officinalis: (powdered seed 30 grain dose) in aged, in chronic diseases where peony is of use
for the disease itself (Ellingwood, p.130)
• Scutellaria lateriflora (NCNM Botanicals)
• Verbena hastata: sedative
Chinese Formulae
• Ginseng and Longan C. (Gui Pi Tang); Shen Ching Shuai Jao Wan (patent); Gui Pi Wan (patent): Heart
Xue Xu (Blood Deficiency) with Spleen Qi Xu (Deficiency): overthinking, dream-disturbed sleep,
insomnia, anxiety, reduced appetite, pallid complexion
(Ginseng: Hsu, 1980, p. 425; Yeung, p. 112; Dharmananda, 1986, p. 244; Bensky and Barolet, p. 255;
Shen Ching: Fratkin, p. 231; Gui Pi Wan: Zhu, p. 274; Fratkin, p. 214)
• Bupleurum F. (Yi Gan San): Liver Invading Spleen: restless sleep, night terrors, abdominal distention,
reduced appetite (Hsu, 1980, p. 343; Bensky and Barolet, p. 147)
• Rehmannia and Akebia F. (Dao Chi San): Heart Fire Blazing: thirst for cold, red face, irritability, red
tongue, rapid pulse, may be mouth sores
(Hsu, 1980, p. 196; Yeung, p. 80; Bensky and Barolet, p. 95)
• Suan Zao Ren Tan Pian (Tabellae Suanzaoren Tang) (patent): Heart Fire Blazing due to Liver Xue Xu
(Blood Deficiency) (Zhu, p. 325)
• Fu-shen 16 (patent) plus Zizyphus 18 (patent): Heart Fire Blazing causing Shen Disturbance
(Dharmananda, 1990, p.68 )
• Ardisia 16 (patent): Liver Wind Arising From Liver Yang Rising (Dharmananda, 1990, p. 36)
after assessing the person and palpating, consider these patterns:
Heart Fire Blazing, possibly due to Liver Xue Xu (Blood Deficiency); Heart Fire Blazing causing Shen
Disturbance; Liver Invading Spleen; Liver Wind Arising From Liver Yang Rising; Shi (Excess) of Yin Wei
Mai (Yin Linking Vessel); Shi (Excess) of the Du Mai (Governing Vessel)
children's "night terrors": Spleen Xu (Deficiency) Cold; Obstructed Heat in the Heart channel; Xue Xu
(Blood Deficiency)
dream-disturbed sleep: Heart Xue Xu (Blood Deficiency); Heart Yin Xu (Deficiency); Kidney and Liver Yin
Xu (Deficiency); Liver Fire Blazing upward
» illustrative combinations:
• consider treatment for "Internal Dragons" or "External Dragons"; External Dragons: GV-20, UB-11, UB-
23, UB-61; Internal Dragons: Master point 1/4" below CV-15, St-25, St-32, St-41; In both treatments,
sedate first. If the person and the pulses change, fine. If no change with sedation, then tonify. (Worsley)
• UB-15 and Ht-7 (-): tonify and open the Heart; calm the Heart and the Shen; regulate the Xue (Blood)
and Qi; reinforce the Heart Qi; nourish Heart Xue (Blood)
• PC-6 and Ht-7 (-): soothe the Heart, calm the Shen, open the chest
• Ht-7, PC-6, UB-15, Sp-6 and Kd-3: treat loss of sleep, forgetfulness, palpitations and dream-disturbed
sleep (Flaws, 1989, p. 98)
• Sp-1 and St-45 (D): drain perverse Heat and cure excess of dreams and light sleep (Finkelstein, p. 25)
• PC-6, St-45, St-44, CV-15 and CV-14 for nightmares , esp. in association with neurasthenia (McWilliams,
et al., Lesson 31, p. 160)
• GV-20 (D), unless Heat is present; if so, bleed PC-9 instead; then, either way, needle PC-5 and Ht-7 for
night crying in children, including when due to nightmares (McWilliams, et al., Lesson 31, p. 162)
• PC-9, PC-5 and UB-20 for night crying in children, including when due to nightmares (McWilliams, et
al., Lesson 31, p. 162)
• GB-13 and GV-24 (-): pacify the Shen
• Kd-10, GV-20 and PC-9 for fear of the dark in children (Mann, 1967, p. 155)
• GV-24 and GB-13 (-): relieve "severe anxiety and fears" (Maciocia, p. 472)
• Sp-1 and St-45 (D): drain perverse Heat and cure excess of dreams and light sleep (Finkelstein, p. 25)
• SI-3 and UB-62: open the Du Mai (Governing Vessel) for which Shen disorders are a symptom of Shi
• PC-6 and Sp-4: open the Yin Wei Mai (Yin Linking Vessel) for which nightmares are a symptom of Shi
• the Thirteen Ghost Points, needle in sequence: GV-26; Lu-11; Sp-1; PC-7; UB-62 (with hot needle
acupuncture); GV-16; St-6 (use warming the needle technique); CV-24; PC-8; GV-23; CV-1 for males or
use a point at the opening of the vagina for females; LI-11 (use hot needle acupuncture); hai quan (prick
to bleed) (Shanghai, p. 630)
point analysis
» palpate and consider:
• GV-20 (-): pacifies the Shen and stabilizes the Will; adjusts Qi of the Du Mai (Governing Vessel); spreads
Liver Qi; extinguishes Liver Wind from upper body and pacifies Liver; Jiao Hui Intersecting point of the
six Yang channels and the Du Mai (Governing Vessel)
• GV-16 (-): calms the Shen and quiets the Soul; drains Fire; eliminates Yang Shi (Excess) from upper
body and cleanses Yang which has been obscured by Phlegm; stimulates pituitary and central nervous
system (Finkelstein, p. 80); clears Heart of pathogenic Heat; subdues Internal Wind and eliminates Liver
Wind; Window of the Sky point; Jiao Hui Intersecting point of the Yang Wei Mai (Yang Linking Vessel)
and the Du Mai (Governing Vessel)
• GV-15 (-): pacifies the Shen; balances mental state (Maciocia, p. 210); benefits and clears the Brain; Jiao
Hui Intersecting point of the Yang Qiao Mai (Yang Motility Vessel) and the Du Mai (Governing Vessel);
Sea of Bone Marrow Exit point
• GV-14 (-): liberates Shi (Excess) Yang; clears the Shen, calms the Soul, and pacifies the Will; spreads
Yang Qi through the Du Mai (Governing Vessel) and whole body; regulates and stimulates the flow of
Qi; regulates the Xue (Blood); relaxes the sinews and muscles; Jiao Hui Intersecting point of the Yang
channels on the Du Mai (Governing Vessel)
• GB-20 (-): pacifies Liver Wind and dissipates Internal Wind; pacifies the Shen and clears the Brain;
subdues Liver Yang and Fire to calm and regulate the Liver; disperses and descends Liver Yang from
the head; harmonizes Qi and Xue (Blood)
• an mian (-): pacifies the Shen; clears the Brain; assists sleep
• UB-15 (- or +): calms the Heart and the Shen; quiets the Mind and the Soul; clears Heart Fire and
disperses Yang Shi (Excess) in the Heart (-); strengthens Heart Qi, nourishes Heart Xue (Blood), and
tonifies Heart Yin; calms sexual dreaming; invigorates circulation of the Qi and Xue (Blood) and tonifies
Xu (Deficiency); Heart Shu Associated point
• UB-17 (+): tonifies the Qi; nourishes and invigorates the Xue (Blood) (esp. with D); clears Heat from the
Xue (Blood); nourishes Dry Xue (Blood); enriches Yin; strengthens Xu (Deficient) conditions and
increases stamina; Diaphragm Shu Associated point; Hui Reunion and Master point of the Xue (Blood)
• UB-20 (+): tonifies Spleen Qi to build Xue (Blood); tonifies Spleen and Stomach to facilitate digestive
transportation and transformation; benefits the Ying (Constructive) Qi; enhances Spleen Yang to
mobilize Stagnant Qi; tonifies and harmonizes the Xue (Blood); nourishes the Xue (Blood); Spleen Shu
Associated point
• UB-23 (+): tonifies and adjusts the Kidney; nourishes Yin, Xue (Blood) and Kidney Jing (Essence);
benefits the ears and brightens the eyes; strengthens the Heart (Ross, 1985, p. 130); counterbalances
Liver Fire; Kidney Shu Associated point
• GV-24 (-): pacifies the Shen and calms the Heart; soothes the Liver and extinguishes Liver Wind
• GB-13 (-): pacifies the Shen; clears and drains the Liver; soothes the Liver and extinguishes Liver Wind
• GB-14 (-): eliminates Wind (a result of Fire); clears Heat; Jiao Hui Intersecting point of the Foot Yang
Ming (Stomach) channel and Yang Wei Mai (Yang Linking Vessel) on the Foot Xiao Yang (Gall Bladder)
• yin tang (= or -): pacifies the Shen; clears the Mind; promotes relaxation; influences the pituitary and
pineal; eliminates Interior Wind; specific for dream-disturbed sleep (Ross, 1985, 129)
• UB-2 (-): spreads Heat and Qi in the head; reinforces Kidney Water and nourishes Liver Wood (both in
relation to the eyes); invigorates the channels and stops pain
• UB-1 (-): enriches Yin (esp. in relation to the eyes); controls the pituitary gland and its secretions via
the hypothalamus and the autonomic nervous system; regulates the sleep cycle through the Yin and
Yang Qiao Mai (Motility Vessels) by regulating the opening and closing of the eyes; Bladder Entry point;
receives vessels from the Heart channel and numerous muscle and divergent channels; Polarization
point of the Yin and Yang Qiao Mai (Motility Vessels)
• LI-11 (-): clears the Shen; regulates and harmonizes Qi and Ying; regulates and harmonizes the Xue
(Blood); tonifies Metal to cool inflammatory processes and restrain Wood, esp. the Liver; often person
describes uncultivated fields in their dreams (Mann, p. 8); Large Intestine Upper He Sea Uniting, Earth
and Tonification point
• PC-6 (-): calms the Shen and soothes the Heart; harmonizes and regulates Middle and Upper
Warmers; regulates Heart Qi and Xue (Blood); improves circulation of Xue (Blood) Yin of the Heart thus
countering Yang of the Heart (Finkelstein, p. 58); regulates Liver Qi and relieves Liver Qi Stagnation;
opens the Yin Wei Mai (Yin Linking Vessel) to distribute Qi to the Stomach, chest and Heart; relaxes the
sinews and clears the vessels; Pericardium Luo Connecting point; Master point of the Yin Wei Mai (Yin
Linking Vessel); Couple point of the Chong Mai (Penetrating Vessel)
• PC-7 (-): pacifies the Shen and stabilizes the emotions; clears Fire of Heart and Pericardium; draws Xu
(Deficiency) Fire back into the Mind; nourishes Heart Xue (Blood); dissipates Heat from the Ying
(nutrient system) and Xue (Blood); influences adrenals (Worsley, 1975, p. B-20); Pericardium Yuan
Source, Earth and Dispersion point; historically used as the Heart Source point (Maciocia, p. 436)
• PC-9 (- or bleed): eliminates Heat, esp. reduces Fire from the Heart; clears the Heart; clears and
disperses the vicious Yang (Finkelstein, p. 60); Pericardium Jing Well, Wood and Tonification point
• Ht-5 (-): pacifies the Shen; regulates and tonifies Heart Qi; opens Heart Orifices to calm palpitations
and relieve nervous condition (Finkelstein, p. 32); brings Fire down from the head; clears Heart Fire and
Xu (Deficiency) Heat; esp. for palpitations due to fright (Mann, p. 24); Heart Luo Connecting point
• Ht-6 (-): pacifies the Shen; nourishes Heart Yin; clears Xu (Deficiency) Heat, esp. from Heart; clears Fire
from the Heart; clears Obstruction from the Heart channel; reduces excessive perspiration, esp. night
sweats; Heart Xi Cleft Accumulation point
• Ht-7 (-): calms the Heart and the Shen; tonifies and opens the Heart; regulates the Xue (Blood) and Qi;
reinforces the Heart Qi; nourishes Heart Xue (Blood); relieves palpitations, insomnia and fear; general
sedative and regulating effect on the inner organs; clears Heat of Heart; stabilizes the Exterior and
stops sweating, esp. night sweats; Heart Yuan Source, Earth and Dispersion point
• Ht-8 (-): pacifies the Shen; strengthens the Heart and regulates Heart Qi; treats Heart Shi (Excess)
patterns; clears Heart Fire and Empty Heat; clears Heart Phlegm Fire; relieves distress and turmoil
affecting the heart and chest; treats insomnia with vivid dreams; Heart Fire and Horary point
• Ht-9 (+): sedates the Shen; clears Heat; subdues Internal Wind; opens the Heart Orifices; strengthens
Heart Yin and Yang; regulates the Heart; tonifies Heart Qi; treats dreams with fire and smoke; Heart
Wood, Tonification and Exit point
• SI-5 (-): pacifies the Shen; clears the Brain; calms fright, esp. in children; Small Intestine Fire and
Horary point
• SI-3 (-): pacifies the Shen and clears the Mind; opens the Du Mai (Governing Vessel); treats pituitary
imbalance, using location reactive to palpation, often ca. SI-3.5 (Matsumoto); dispels Dampness and
Internal Heat; transforms Heart Phlegm and dispels Wind-Phlegm; relaxes the sinews and muscles;
relieves muscle spasms; Small Intestine Wood and Tonification point; Master point of the Du Mai
(Governing Vessel); Couple point of the Yang Qiao Mai (Yang Motility Vessel)
• Lv-14 (-): spreads and moves Liver Qi to regulate circulation of Qi; soothes and promotes function of
the Liver; strengthens Spleen and Stomach; relieves Liver Invading Spleen; Liver Mu Alarm point
• CV-15 (-): pacifies the Shen and nourishes Heart Yin; esp. with "severe anxiety, worry, emotional
upsets, fears or obsessions" (Maciocia, p. 465); stimulates pituitary (Finkelstein, p. 91); promotes flow of
Qi; benefits Yuan (Original) Qi; nourishes all Yin organs; relaxes the chest; regulates the Stomach; Ren
Mai (Conception Vessel) Luo Connecting point; Source point of the five Zang (Yin viscera)
• CV-14 (-): clears the Heart and stabilizes the Shen; regulates and invigorates the Qi, esp. Heart Qi; acts
on the nervous system and brain through the solar plexus and releases tension throughout whole body
(Finkelstein, p. 90); Heart Mu Alarm point
• CV-13 (-): calms the Heart and Shen; clears Heat of Heart and Stomach and relieves fullness in the
chest and epigastric region; strengthens and warms the Spleen; esp. for fright, esp. with palpitations
(Ellis, et al, 1988, p. 357)
• CV-12 (+): strengthens and calms the Spleen; benefits and soothes the Qi; raises Middle Qi; Stomach
and Middle Warmer Mu Alarm point; Hui Reunion point of the Fu (Yang organs)
• Sp-6 (+): nourishes Yin and Xue (Blood); clears Fire due to Xu (Deficiency); tonifies Qi and frees Qi
Stagnation; spreads the Liver Qi and suppresses Liver Heat; benefits the Kidney; Jiao Hui Intersecting
point of the three Foot Yin channels
• Sp-5 (-): strengthens the Spleen and Stomach; relaxes muscles, sinews and tendons; associated with
dreams of ghosts (Mann, p. 20); Spleen Metal and Dispersion point
• Sp-4 (=): pacifies the Shen; disperses perverse Wind in Spleen Xu (Deficiency) conditions; strengthens
the Spleen and Middle Warmer; harmonizes the Chong Mai (Penetrating Vessel) and circulation of Qi in
the Middle Warmer; invigorates the Xue (Blood) and regulates the Sea of Xue (Blood); regulates the Yin
Wei Mai (Yin Linking Vessel); tonifies Yuan (Original) Qi; Spleen Luo Connecting point; Master point of
Chong Mai (Penetrating Vessel); Couple point of the Yin Wei Mai (Yin Linking Vessel)
• Sp-1 (+ or d. D): pacifies the Shen; clears the Heart and Brain; relieves dream-disturbed sleep;
regulates Yin-Yang; strengthens and warms the Spleen; benefits the Qi; Spleen Jing Well and Wood
• St-44 (-): clears Heat and dispels Wind from the upper body; descends the Turbid; Stomach Water
• St-45 (-): pacifies the Shen; facilitates flow of Qi; clears and disperses Heat from upper body, esp.
Stomach Heat; Stomach Jing Well, Metal and Dispersion point
• Kd-6 (+): pacifies the Shen and stabilizes the Will; nourishes the Heart; cools Fire and clears Xu
(Deficiency) Fire; opens the Yin Qiao Mai (Yin Motility Vessel) and regulates the Ren Mai (Conception
Vessel); tonifies the Kidney (especially Yin); Master point and Entry point of the Yin Qiao Mai (Yin Motility
Vessel); Couple point of Ren Mai (Conception Vessel)
• Kd-4 (+): nourishes the Shen and Yin; reinforces the Liver and Kidney, the latter through longitudinal
Luo vessels; facilitates the flow of Qi and Xue (Blood); supplements the Jing (Essence); Kidney Luo
Connecting point
• Kd-3 (+): nourishes and enriches Kidney Yin, supplies Liver Yin, and tonifies Yin of the entire body;
pacifies Xu (Deficiency) Fire; tonifies the Kidney, Yuan (Original) Qi, Xue (Blood) and Jing (Essence);
regulates the Chong Mai (Penetrating Vessel) and Ren Mai (Conception Vessel); Kidney Yuan Source and
Earth point
• Lv-8 (+): drains Liver Fire; nourishes Liver Xue (Blood); Liver Water and Tonification point
• Lv-3 (-): pacifies the Shen; pacifies and harmonizes the Liver and Gall Bladder; promotes smooth flow
of Qi and Xue (Blood); spreads Liver Qi Stagnation; cools and drains Heat and Fire from the Liver and
Gall Bladder; subdues Liver Yang; calms and extinguishes Liver Wind; tonifies Liver Xue (Blood); Liver
Yuan Source and Earth point
• Lv-2 (-): calms the Shen and eases the Mind; sedates fright; disperses and descends Qi and Fire of
Heart; clears the Pericardium; drains Liver Fire and subdues Yang Shi (Excess); soothes and loosens
Liver to release Liver Qi and disperse Qi Stagnation; eliminates Interior Wind; Liver Fire and Dispersion
• GB-44 (-): drains Fire, esp. from the Gall Bladder; extinguishes Wind; removes Liver Qi Stagnation;
relieves excessive dreaming and dreams haunted by ghosts; Gall Bladder Jing Well and Metal point
» ear:
• shen men: quiets nervous system
• sympathetic: harmonizes central nervous system
Reprinted from The Foundations of Chinese Medicine, Maciocia, Giovanni, 1989, by permission of the
publisher Churchill Livingstone, a division of Elsevier Limited.
Reprinted from Zang Fu: The Organ Systems of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Ross, Jeremy, 2nd ed, p.
75, 1985, by permission of the publisher Churchill Livingstone, a division of Elsevier Limited.
•Aconitum napellus: anxious dreams; long dreams with activity in chest
• Baptisia: frightful dreams; sleepless and restless
• Bryonia: delirium, busy with business matters and what had to read
• Cannabis indica: very sleepy but unable to do so, catalepsy; dreams of dead bodies
• Natrum carbonicum: amorous dreams; wakes too early in morning, drowsy during the day
• Nux vomica: dreams full of bustle and hurry; awakes feeling wretched; cannot sleep after 3 a.m. until
towards morning
• Paeonia: terrifying dreams
• Silicea: anxious dreams; nightwalking; gets up while asleep
• Sulphur: vivid dreams; talks, jerks, twitches; wakes up frequently; catnaps; very light sleep
• Zincum metallicum: cries out during sleep, body jerks, wakes frightened, nervous motion of feet when
asleep; loud screaming out at night in sleep without being aware of it; somnambulism
Subtle Support
• Mi (Gardner, p. 72, 78)
• Fa# (Gardner, p. 82, 87)
• rhythmic folk songs
• County Derry
• songs of Steven Foster
• Spanish tangos
• Brahms' Hungarian dances
• Sousa's marches
• Strauss' waltzes
• Gilbert and Sullivan
• Indian Love Call
• My Wild Irish Rose
• Wishing
• Estrellita
(Heline, p.18)
Chinese psychophysiology:
• Liver ~ Gan is the home of the Hun (Ethereal Soul); it relates to decisiveness, control, and the principle
of emergence; stores and cleanses the Xue (Blood); maintains smooth flow of Qi and Xue (Blood); and
reflects emotional harmony and movement.
» Healthy expressions are kindness, spontaneity, and ease of movement.
» Liver Xu (Deficiency) signs include impotence; frigidity; pain in thighs, pelvic region, and throat; ready
tendency to "the blahs" (Seem, p. 28); timidity; depression; irritability; vertigo; pruritus; dry eyes, skin,
and/or tendons; asthma; aching at the waist; hernia; and difficulty raising head up and down. Liver Yin
Xu (Deficiency) predisposes to the Shi (Excess) conditions of Liver Wind, Liver Yang Rising, and Liver Fire
» Liver Shi (Excess) signs include discontent; anger; pain in lumbar region and genitals (Seem, p. 28);
muscular tension; excessive sex drive; insomnia; moodiness; excitability; genital diseases; red, tearing
eyes; compulsive energy; and bitter taste in the mouth. Chronically suppressed anger can implode and
give rise to Fire in the Liver and Gall Bladder with symptoms of irritability, bitter taste, headaches, etc.,
and a tendency to "invade" the Stomach, Spleen, and Intestines.
» Liver Wind derives from Liver Yin Xu (Deficiency) and/or Liver Xue Xu (Blood Deficiency) and their
subsequent inability to embrace the Yang, and can manifest as joint stiffness, dizziness, tremor,
paralysis, convulsions, rashes, itching, and neurological problems.
• Heart ~ Xin houses the Shen (Spirit) and reveals itself through the brightness in the eyes; governs Fire
and Heat; rules the Xue (Blood) and its vessels and directs the circulation; and relates to the integration
of the organs and the personality.
» Healthy expressions are warmth, vitality, excitement, inner peace, love, and joy.
» Heart Xu (Deficiency) signs include sadness; absence of laughter; depression; fear; anxiety; shortness
of breath (Seem, p. 28); cold feeling in the chest and limbs; palpitations; cold sweat; inability to speak;
memory failure; nocturnal emissions; and restless sleep. Chronic Yin Xu (Deficiency) predisposes to
Empty Fire, acute and chronic.
» Heart Shi (Excess) signs include false or facile laughter; sobbing; agitated spirit; insomnia (Seem, p.
28); frightful dreams; anxiety; tongue feels numb and heavy; heavy chest; hot sweat; and orange-
colored urine.
» The Heart is the Emperor of the bodily realm so that when the Heart is disturbed all the other organs
will be disrupted.
» Mental signs of Heart channel disorders include insomnia, anxiety, and all Shen disturbances. (Seem,
p. 28)
• Spleen ~ Pi governs digestion; transforms food into Qi and Xue (Blood); governs the Xue (Blood) and
holds it in the vessels; resolves Dampness and Phlegm; maintains upbearing; and relates to the ability
to assimilate, stabilize, and feel centered and balanced.
» Healthy expressions are fairness, openness, deep thinking, and reminiscence.
» Spleen Xu (Deficiency) signs include slightness (deficient "form"); abundant elimination; morning
fatigue; cold, wet feet (Seem, p. 28); abdomen taut and distended like a drum; craving for sweets;
flatulence; nausea; mild edema; memory failure; heavy feeling in legs; pale lips; loose stools; and
muscular weakness. Spleen Xu (Deficiency) increases the susceptibility to "invasion" by the Liver.
» Spleen Shi (Excess) signs include heaviness (excess "form"); large abdomen; great sighing; sadness;
obsessions and nightmares (Seem, p. 28); abdominal pain; irregular appetite; stickiness in the mouth
and on lips; red lips; chest congestion; fatigue; and constipation.
» The excessive use of the mind in thinking, studying, concentrating, and memorizing over a long period
of time tends to weaken the Spleen. This also includes excessive pensiveness and constant brooding.
(Maciocia, p. 241) Likewise, inadequate physical exercise and excess consumption of sweet and Cold
foods will also deplete the Spleen. Environmentally, the Spleen is highly susceptible to attack from
external Dampness and Cold.
» Mental signs of Spleen channel disorders include mental sluggishness; vertigo; melancholia;
obsessions turned toward the past; fixed and rigid ideas; sleepwalking; agitated sleep; and nightmares.
(Seem, p. 27)
• Stomach ~ Wei is the Sea of Nourishment; transforms and digests food so that the Spleen can
separate the distilled food essences; with the Spleen, is the root of post-natal Qi; and as Earth, relates
to the ability to assimilate, stabilize, and feel centered and balanced.
» Healthy expressions are fairness, openness, and nurturance.
» Weakness, dysfunction, and illness associated with worry, anxiety, and overthinking.
» Stomach Shi (Excess) signs include nightmares; acne; skin eruptions; excess stomach acid (Seem, p.
28); heat in the abdominal area; overactive digestive system causing hunger and thirst; dark yellow
urine; gluttony; halitosis; swollen gums; red dry lips; pains and cramps in legs.