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Artikler og guides

  • Uterine arteries of infertile women

    Uterine arteries of infertile women

    Reduction of blood flow impedance in the uterine arteries of infertile women with electro-acupuncture Elisabet Stener-Victorin[1.4], Urban Waldenström[2], Sven A. Andersson[3] and Matts Wikland[2] [1]Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology [2]Fertility...

  • Patella Chondromalacia

    Patella Chondromalacia

    This treatment where desciped first time by my father Chief doctor Paolo Sandrini in 1982   Electroacupuncture Hua Gu, PhD, LAc   Direct Electric Acupuncture for Patella Chondromalacia: A Preliminary...

  • Psoriasis


    Psoriasis Acupuncture treatment for psoriasis: a retrospective case report. Liao SJ, Liao TA. New York University Dental College, New York. We treated 61 cases of psoriasis with acupuncture, including 25...

  • Low Back Pain

    Low Back Pain

    Researchers to Study Acupuncture for Low Back Pain Low back pain affects as much as 80% of the adult population in the United States. As many as half of all...

  • Acupuncture treats torticollis

    Acupuncture treats torticollis

    Acupuncture for acute torticollis: a pilot study. Samuels N. Shoresh Medical Center, Jerusalem, Israel. The use of subjective end-points such as VAS pain scales in studies of acupuncture for...

  • Knee Problem

    Knee Problem

    According to the National Institutes of Health, more than four million people seek medical care for a knee problem each year.1 A leading cause of chronic knee pain, particularly in...

  • Pregnancy-Related Back Pain

    Pregnancy-Related Back Pain

    Pregnancy-Related Back Pain Yale Researchers to Study Acupuncture for Pregnancy-Related Back Pain After Scientists at Yale University School of Medicine have been awarded a $400,000 grant from the National Institutes...

  • Placebo Acupuncture Needle

    Placebo Acupuncture Needle

    Placebo Acupuncture Needle Scientists Design New Placebo Acupuncture Needle Study Finds Device is of “High Credibility” A long-standing point of contention to the validity of randomized, controlled acupuncture trials has...

  • The Promise of Far-Infrared Treatment

    The Promise of Far-Infrared Treatment

    The Promise of Far-Infrared Treatment Hot Stuff: The Promise of Far-Infrared Treatment If you like the warmth of the sun, you have to appreciate far-infrared light. The sun puts out...

  • What is acupuncture?

    What is acupuncture?

    What is acupuncture? How widely is acupuncture used in the United States? What does acupuncture feel like? Is acupuncture safe? Does acupuncture work? How might acupuncture work? How do I...

  • Acupuncture Protocols for Ramsey-Hunt Sy

    Acupuncture Protocols for Ramsey-Hunt Sy

    Acupuncture Protocols for Ramsey-Hunt Sy TCM Formulas and Acupuncture Protocols for Ramsey-Hunt Syndrome By Fritz Hudnut, DAOM, LAc Editor’s Note: This is a case study regarding Ramsey-Hunt Syndrome, which is...

  • The Power of Patient Expectations

    The Power of Patient Expectations

    The Power of Patient Expectations By Tina Beychok, Associate Editor As acupuncturists, you certainly are aware of, and believe in, the benefits of acupuncture and Oriental medicine to help your...

  • 50 years of Traditional Medicine

    50 years of Traditional Medicine

    50 years of Traditional Medicine Acupuncture Today Celebrates 50 years of Traditional Medicine in Vietnam By Editorial Staff The National Hospital of Traditional Medicine in Hanoi, Vietnam, will mark its...